Spotle answer today (April 26, 2024)

The current Spotle puzzle page with failed answers.
Credit: Spotle

The current Spotle puzzle page with failed answers.
Credit: Spotle
April 26, 2024 - We've collected our hints and the latest answer for today's Spotle puzzle.

Are you having a difficult time finding the Spotle answer today? The look no further because we can offer you the latest and correct answers with complete details.

Compared to some other complicated word game like Contexto, Spotle offers a different experience: test your music knowledge. With our complete guide, you can easily find the correct answers and save your winning streaks.

In this guide, find the Spotle answer for April 26, 2024, along with information on when the next puzzle is revealed.

Spotle hint today (April 26, 2024)

There are times where you think the answer is on the tip of your tongue but you're not sure whether your Spotle answer is the correct one. We've compiled a list of hints that may give you that all-important answer to keep the streak alive.

  • The artist is male
  • The artist is American
  • The artist is a five-man act
  • Their first album released in 1996
  • Their genre is Pop
  • Their listener rank is 454

Spotle answer today (April 26, 2024)

If you've utilised the hints and are still unable to get the answer, we'll reveal it below. If you still want to attempt to guess it, this is the last time to look away.

The Spotle answer for April 26, 2024 is Backstreet Boys.

We'll update the guide with a brand-new answer tomorrow as Spotle provides another artist from Spotify's top 1000 to find.

How to play Spotle

Spotle is a guessing game where players have to guess an artist that features in Spotify's top 1000 most streamed list. The objective of the game is to guess the identity of the artist in as few guesses as possible. The fewer guesses, the higher the score you earn.

Each guess generates a colour-coded box with each one revealing how close you are to getting the final answer correct. Spotle will share five categories for you to use to find the artist:

  • Debut album year
  • Listener rank
  • Size of group
  • Gender
  • Genre
  • Nationality

When entering a name into the guess box, it will change colour. If it's green, the correct answer shares the correct category. If it's yellow, it means it was close to the right answer.

It's also worth keeping an eye on the arrows. An upward arrow means the number of that answer is higher than your guess while the downward arrow means it's lower.

When is the next Spotle game?

A new round of Spotle will go live at 12 AM local time each day. Regardless of location, you'll have a new game to play as soon as the clock hits midnight.

So, that's all for the latest Spotle answers for today. If you want more answers for other word games, please check our puzzle page.

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